The letter Y is banned in Florida because it identifies as both a consonant and a vowel

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"Division: This one is OK with us."


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I live here. Send help please.

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Apr 9Liked by Carlos Greaves

Arabic numerals are also banned because we don’t want their ideas muddying up our calculations. That’s also why we banned the number 0.

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Damn, I think you have all the bases covered. Wait. What about bases?

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A classic!

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Because Florida.

I was walking around in a park there had a few secret entrances and one public one, which I honestly.

I am walking over grassy terrain in that park with a familiar bumpy feel to it, and I thought, unmarked graves.

If I ever get out of this place no one will believe this banana republic is an actual state in USA!!!

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Smiley De Santis should be calling any time now with a job offer

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Apr 11Liked by Carlos Greaves

Being from FL, I can vouch for all of this. 💅🏽

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Apr 11Liked by Carlos Greaves

Love this one so much

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Ok I have long said everything one wants to know about Florida is perfectly expressed in this video:


He ALSO notice did not drop the cigar in his mouth!! Cause cigars!!!

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Brilliant concept for an article. I laughed out loud haha

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