For fuck's sake, Carlos, I thought you were serious at first and I'd misjudged you and your posts all this time. You got me. Bastard. :)

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Haha, yeah, this one definitely toes the line. I think a lot of readers were in the same boat!

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Same here, and I’m usually really good at spotting good satire. This sneaked up and GOT me.

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That it’s so hard to spot at first shows (in my mind anyway) how pervasive and insidious racism and misogyny are in our culture. It should be an immediate “of course this is a joke!” but it’s true for so many that we really have to squint to see the difference between satire and reality.

Anyway, well done Carlos. I love your topical satire. Keep it coming!

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Well said, and thanks, Sara!

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OMG, me too

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The only thing Trump earned is a prison cell.

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Shame on you

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There is no shame in speaking the truth, nor in saying what I believe.

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That’s true and what we used to do. 😊

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I just know that I saw communism in West Germany when I served in Europe, especially when Czechoslovakia had its border closed ! I still have one friend living that was able to escape Cuba and Castro and she is terrified about what might happen to her children here. She said when her family escaped communism there was no worry because she knew that The USA was there for them and her family became citizens. Now there is no place to go to escape because if the Democrats get Four more years, the USA will become a communist country. I saw enough in Europe in the 60’s to understand her fear. These last few years of the Presidency and WH showing a dictatorial type government telling us to buy electric cars, stop using gas stoves (thankfully restaurants stood up against Biden), etc. This current WH and administration has Not followed the Constitution of the United States.

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This is ridiculously good satire. Thank you for putting a smile on my face and making a shitty day better.

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So glad to hear that, Jonah, thanks!

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Jul 23Liked by Carlos Greaves

Ah yes nothing like some fine Carlos Greaves satire rage bait to go with my PB&J sandwich

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I always strive to write a nice digestif

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I'm glad someone is finally telling the truth about that DEI bandit, Kamala Harris. I mean come on, everyone knows that District Attorney, Attorney General, and U.S. Senate jobs are just fluff titles with no responsibility. Trump is the true champion for workers!

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I know, right? How hard is it to get elected to two statewide offices in the largest state in the country 🤣

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Jul 24Liked by Carlos Greaves

Thanks for this piece. You captured the voice perfectly. I sent it to a close relative to shut him up. He got the point after a whole bunch of denial. Genius!

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Jul 24Liked by Carlos Greaves

I'm bookmarking it to deploy when my family wants to talk about the election

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Jul 23Liked by Carlos Greaves

That was masterful!

It’s unfortunate that you needed the note explaining the satirical nature of the piece, but some people seem to have only one lens. You likely avoided a deluge of angry comments. 😊

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Thanks! Yeah, I think this one was lost on a few folks

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Jul 24Liked by Carlos Greaves

I have to admit, you got me with the title, but once I read the subtitle, I figured it must be satire - especially knowing you. 😉

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Jul 23·edited Jul 24Liked by Carlos Greaves

The biggest qualm I have with Ms. Harris (respect) becoming the nominee is that I don’t believe this country will elect a woman-especially a woman of color.

I would love to be proven wrong, but between the people (women included) who in their bones feel like women shouldn’t (or couldn’t) be their boss and the people who feel the same about people of color, I just don’t think their are enough votes left over.

I anticipate the objection “but people voted for her to be vice president, knowing she could become president “.

My answer: do you really think we’re a land of forward thinkers?

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Maybe so, but women outnumber men — and most of us are pissed off enough to do whatever it takes to end the Trumpy toxic dump.

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I have the same worry, but there seems to be a lot of enthusiasm, especially among younger people, so hopefully that will help!

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Jul 25Liked by Carlos Greaves

All the enthusiasm and excitement is giving me a little hope, but given people’s (and media’s)short attention span, I’m not sure it will translate into enough actual votes.

BTW, I forgot to commend you on your excellent satire. I wish it wasn’t necessary to point out to readers that it is, in fact, satire. I’m not sure if satire is a dying art, but recognition of it certainly seems to be.

Makes sense, I guess, that if lies are truth simply by proclamation, satire becomes unrecognizable.

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I thought the exact same when Biden stepped out and Harris started running. It's a lot to overcome to be a black woman against a white man (even if it's Trump). But people have surprised me. It seems that there is a lot of support for her and a lot of hope from people supporting her. I honestly think that the Biden vs Trump debate debacle helped a ton. People had lost all hope and now they just finally have someone to support. Let's see... I have faith in you US people :)

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Jul 23Liked by Carlos Greaves

Nothing like a little satire to make the obvious, well…obvious. Nicely done.

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Well it made me smile even though I' m only a UK citizen. But the writerly stuff is also appreciated.

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Jul 24Liked by Carlos Greaves

Just brilliant Carlos! I too thought you were serious but in my attempts to hear all sides of an argument (very difficult these days), I kept reading until the penny dropped. Thank you for helping me feel a little lighter in what seems to be an ever-growing darkness in U.S. politics. I do wish you had compulsory voting because I'm sure that orange buffoon would NEVER have been elected president. Love your work Carlos.

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Thank you! And yes, that or at the very least Election Day being a holiday, or weekend day.

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A mix of political satire and other stuff is great - I'm a Brit, so we've a long tradition of this and it's always welcome!

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Good to know, thanks!

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This kept on clicking, smartly made! It absolutely stuns me when satire zooms over the vast white plain of foreheads with furrowed brows, thought balloon clouds overhead that say “not getting the joke”

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tbh altho maybe we should be teaching context/framing more and trying to use less of our gut reactionary emotions online instead of taking a moment to stop and think, and it can be frustrating and confusing on why these ppl cant get it, there r people with autism who may find it more difficult to ascertain tone, as well as anyone else tbf u can hone ur skills but some of it just up to luck as well, and some people come from cultures where they don’t acc have that much of a concept of sarcasm and double speak resulting in less awareness and experience in spotting it. sorry maybe i’m just distracting from your real point by bringing in something im sure you already knew but ive seen this sentiment a lot and wanted to bring some other perspectives that, if nothing else, might make it a bit more bearable (like that person that just cut me off isnt just a dick maybe they’re late for something or going to the hospital ect. that might not be true but at least it can make you less frustrated in the moment)

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It’s a learning experience for everyone

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Very funny!

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Jul 24Liked by Carlos Greaves

Love this! more please.

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