I love my kids so much but "energy pit" is so accurate!

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I wrote a whole memoir about buying my first home in South LA and what I learned about Sump Pumps and renovating garages. I have put a hold on it for now, but all you say is correct and amazing to see mirrored back! Home ownership is amazing though, Once you have been bitten by the bug, you can't stop and the returns if you buy in a lucrative city and better than any stocks or bonds.

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As a home owner twice now, I totally agree. The only reason I 'own' a money pit is because the rent is my city has become so insanely exhorbitant (and will continue) I may as well 'own'. That, and the fact that it's so hard to find anywhere to live, at least I won't have to move for several years now. Lesser of the two evils - at this point.

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