I like your writing. And think you’ll find a way. I’ve done 20 books the old way, just paid back an advance to do next one on my own. If you’re not a darling of the publishing world, you’re dead. Strangely, it’s easier to be a darling when they clamour for novel one, they love marketing possibility, than when they know youre a safe but a proven list clogger. Like you say. Write to get something good written. It might work. Definitely won’t if you don’t!

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Thanks for the words of encouragement, Tony!

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I seriously had to 😂😂 all the way through this. It's your bluntness that I truly enjoy, interlaced with actual decent information. Thanks for keeping it so real 👌

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I agree. You have to put your work out there and see if people resonate with it. No one knows what will sell or become popular anyway. There's so much to learn in any path you choose, putting in the work in public makes a difference.

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Well said, Khalid!

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Knowing the cold, infinite nothingness of death will inevitably consume you is very liberating. Having an "aww fuck it we're all gonna die anyway" attitude is why I finally started writing after slogging through two decades of academic and corporate bullshit.

And I love your approach to the game: just get your shit in and see what happens.

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having had my ass kicked doing music, why not write? I'm used to the pain.

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Great post. Your honesty is refreshing and inspiring.

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Love your honesty. As an aspiring author reading from the fuggin trenches, thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Thank you for this disheartening reminder that we are in the wrong business! I’m joking of course. Well, kinda. It is disheartening, but you are also very right about the fact that 1. We are all going to die 2. (And therefore perhaps the best course of action is to) focus on the writing! I personally have given up on trying to figure out how the system works and try my best to ignore stats and number of subscribers. I focus on the writing. I work hard consistently at being a better writer by writing (and reading) and cross my fingers that it will resonate with people. And, as romantic as it may sound, I think of my writing as my little contribution/ attempt at trying to make this world a little better/ bearable. That’s all.

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I like the way you think, Imola!

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Thank you Liz. It’s the only way I know to keep sane! :)

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I know just what you mean!

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Wonderful! Now we feel less alone :)

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Cheering here, Carlos! Whatever space is working for your creative exploration and growth is where to be!

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I've been bummed in for years! Started writing online serials around 2015 and it's been wonderfully satisfying and exciting.

Also, I once met Freddie in LA while visiting the Corridor Digital gang. I have a photo of him wielding a gun maniacally in my general direction. I hadn't heard about his new film - looking forward to finding out more about that one.

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Honestly, I have loved reading books that are self published by authors over the years. I think the last paragraph where you mentioned that we’re all gonna die anyway is what made me start my newsletter after years and years of contemplating that my writing is no good. It really doesn’t matter how much you show up for yourself as long as you do. I really wanted to show up and give writing a shot. And to read your story makes me realise that there are many ways (not just traditional) in which I can show up. Thanks for this Carlos✨

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Loved it all, but the italicized notes-to-self were pure perfection.

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This was great—I continue to appreciate how transparent you are about the process of self-publishing! I've always been curious about it, and learned a lot from reading about SPOILERS (which is a fantastic book btw people, buy it!).

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BUM YOU IN! Yay - that´s gonna be my new mantra :-D

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Appreciate the links and the commentary! Yup, it's all hard (but I think it always has been. Getting paid to do what you absolute love will always be a tough gig).

But you seem to be doing it right! Congrats and best wishes for more success!

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Thanks, Brent! And thanks for your excellent post.

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Exactly what I needed to read as I venture into Substack. Thanks Carlos for the well written and inspiring piece.

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